Emma Svitil

Actor, Musician, Artist

Emma Svitil (AEA) is a multifaceted artist, originally from Atlanta, Georgia, and currently based in San Diego, California. She graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2022 with a B.F.A. in Drama from the New Studio on Broadway, focusing on musical theatre, and double majoring in French. She is currently completing her M.F.A. in Acting from the Old Globe/University of San Diego Shiley Graduate Theatre Program (class of 2024).

She is a dedicated singer and musician, playing five instruments. Emma is grateful to have spent the last two years deepening her love for Shakespeare and discovering new passions: the thrill of understudying, first-time directing, and the joy of incorporating her varied interests into her art, as in creating her one-woman show Space Babe, a love letter to “Star Trek.”

Emma is a proud nerd, never ashamed of her excitement when she gets to do what she loves: be a collaborative artist who tells living, breathing stories. She also loves her daily New York Times crossword puzzles. 

Currently in: Old Globe/USD Shiley Graduate Theatre Program Actors Showcase

LA - 9/23, 1 PM & 7 PM, Garry Marshall Theater RSVP 

NYC - 9/30, 1 PM & 7 PM, The Public SHIVA  RSVP

Next Up: As You Like It at The Old Globe, San Diego, CA